Instructions for presenters
The duration of talks marked in the timetable is including 5 minutes for discussion.
All speakers are asked to upload their talks to the INDICO conference server by the end of the day before their presentation. Talks can be uploaded in pdf or ppt format (be mindful of proprietary fonts). Please stop by the speakers helpdesk and check that their presentation is displayed correctly on the conference computers (Windows 7, Microsoft Office 2013) no later than one hour before the start of their session. Conference staff will be happy to assist in resolving any technical issues.
The speakers helpdesk will be located next to the registration desk. It will open on August 31, from 14:00-20:00 with the conference check-in and remain open during the conference hours for the rest of the week.
Poster boards will be installed in the Auditorium Foyer on the third floor. They will be ready for mounting the posters on September 1. The poster session starts at 16:00 on Saturday, September 2.
Posters must also be uploaded to the INDICO conference server before the poster session in order to participate in the selection for flash talk presentations on September 5. From the uploaded ones, 2 posters will be selected for presentation as 5 min. flash talk.
All posters must be removed from the boards by the end of the morning coffee break at 10:15 am on September 5.
The standard poster format is A0 ( 841 x 1189 mm), the maximum size is 1 meter (width) by 1.25 meter (height).